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GSK-Gebro Consumer Healthcare GmbHTrade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK Group of companies.

Discontinuation of treatment may be advisable in cases of severe or persistent allergic reactions.

Absorption of nicotine over 24 hours varies by a factor of two between different individualshowever within-individual variability is small indicating consistent performance of the transdermal system.

The Nicotinell patches are used to help you stop smoking as part of an overall treatment programmeWhen you apply the patch to your skinnicotine passes through your skin and into your bodyThe Nicotinell patch programme involves up to 3 stepseach with a different patch sizeAs your body adjusts to not smokingyou should gradually reduce the dose of Nicotinell over a period of up to a maximum of 12 weeks until you no longer need to use the patches.

If you get chest painirregular heartbeat or bad indigestiondo not smoke or use Nicotinell or any other nicotine medicationSee your pharmacist or doctor as soon as possible.

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