Couples Counselling
Relationships come in so many shapes and sizes, but often they have the same issues to deal with no matter how they look on the outside: male/female relationship as a marriage or de facto, same sex relationships, parent-ship relationship, a sibling relationship or working relationships.
At Counselling for you Peace.of.Mind we can help you with providing information about family relationships at all its different stages. Whether it be a new relationship, overcoming relationship problems, maintaining healthy relationships, same sex relationships, or dealing with the process of separation and divorce.
We are experienced in same-sex relationships and its unique needs.
We are renowned for our work with parent/child relationships, we understand the complexities of sibling relationships and are a keen supporter of working on better working relations.
We give guidance to you on how to do things with the least amount of stress for your life with empathy and experience. So, contact us at this site and we’ll hepl you!
What’s the point of counselling if you don’t want to get back together?
Family counselling can help couples come to terms with the many changes that happen when a relationship breaks up. It can help parents make decisions about arrangements for their children and how they will share parenting after separation.
The Family Law Act encourages parents to sort out differences over their children themselves instead of going to court. Family counselling can also help where there are disagreements about the division of property. Courts and family counselling, if you decide to go to court for a decision about your children, you may still have to see a family counsellor. A court can order you and your spouse or partner to see a family counsellor at any time during legal action to discuss and try to resolve differences about the care, welfare and development or your children. Generally, the court will not make a parenting order unless you have seen a family counsellor.
Relationship counselling is very common, as we all have many many relationships throughout our lives. Often if we have a problem with one relationship, it can affect our other relationships.
At Counselling for your Peace.of.Mind we help you sort out these difficult issues in your life, leaving you with a greater insight control of your role.
Don’t we all with that our relationships run smoothly with understanding and respect? And don’t you wish you were living your best life possible? The choice is yours.