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Sushruta has described the disease in Vatavyadhi chapter under the heading of Sandhigata vatawhile Charaka has described Sandhigata vata under the Vatavyadhi as Sandhigata Anila6The diseases produced by morbid vatadosha are more common in Jaravasthaold ageThe vitiated vata combines with other vitiated dosharaktaamaetc and gets located in the joint to produce the diseaseBeing a disease related to madhyamarogamargaSandhigata vata is either Kastasadhya or AsadhyaOn the basis of symptomatology and nature of the diseaseSandhigata vata is much similar to OAwhich is the most common degenerative joint disease in older people.

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Sushruta has described the disease in Vatavyadhi chapter under the heading of Sandhigata vatawhile Charaka has described Sandhigata vata under the Vatavyadhi as Sandhigata Anila6The diseases produced by morbid vatadosha are more common in Jaravasthaold ageThe vitiated vata combines with other vitiated dosharaktaamaetc and gets located in the joint to produce the diseaseBeing a disease related to madhyamarogamargaSandhigata vata is either Kastasadhya or AsadhyaOn the basis of symptomatology and nature of the diseaseSandhigata vata is much similar to OAwhich is the most common degenerative joint disease in older people.

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